Our bread and butter here at Stellaractive is our WordPress websites. We love WordPress not only because its one of the most versatile content management systems (CMS) out there, offering a plethora of awesome capabilities that cover most of our clients’ website needs, but mainly for its ease of use. WordPress is an intuitive CMS that makes it very easy for our clients to make most changes to their site.
At first glance, the WordPress dashboard can be slightly intimidating for first-timers, but with the help of these tutorials and a little bit of exploring on your part, you’ll be able to make edits to your site in no time. Our lead developer, Sam, walks you through all of the aspects of the WordPress dashboard that you’ll want to get familiar with. Along the way, he’ll give you some tips and tricks that’ll create efficiencies for you when editing your site.
So grab a snack, get comfy and learn all about how to edit your site in WordPress!
Check out the full series here.
Need a little support elevating your brand? Contact Stellaractive for your website and marketing needs!
Stellaractive is a strategy-driven creative agency in Portland, Oregon. We help companies elevate their brand through websites, print, branding, and digital marketing solutions that connect, engage, inform, and inspire. We’ve been helping clients across the U.S. build their online presence for more than 15 years, and we can help you, too. Request a quote or call us at 503-384-2413 today!